Thursday, November 8, 2007

True Friends, True Blessings.

I just spent the past several days with on of my dearest friends and during the time we shared alot of old friend stuff was coming up and being released. Occurences that I haven't thought about in years were surfacing in my mind. It reminded me of a much lonelier and confused time in my life. Now I am proud to say that through many troubling experiences, especially with women, I honestly feel a deep understanding of the true meaning of friendship and what actions a real friend is willing to take.

1. A true friend will never gloss over the truth. They will give you their total honesty even if it hurts your ego. If you are a true friend you can handle this truth without becoming defensive or childish.

2. A true friend sees the very best parts of you, even if you are struggling to see them yourself. They will do everything they can to shine the light on how awesome you are to them and to the world.

3. A true friend makes you laugh, sometimes so hard that you feel like you worked your abs out for 72 hours straight.

4. A true friend will always point out the positive in any situation and the lessons that you have learned from the situation. They will always give you a pat on the back for making it through any challenge.

5. A true friend inspires you to be your very best, they are never intimidated, jealous or competitive. They understand that there is more than enough to go around and that everyone should function at their optimum level at all times.

If you are lucky enough to have anyone in your life that gives you these things, let them know how much you appreciate and love them today. Chances are they feel the same way about you!

Namaste my friends...

Coach Cory


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