Keys to Happiness: Be Your Own #1 Fan.
As I was pondering over where to begin with this blog and how I could bring interesting topics into the fold, a question popped into my mind, “How do we know if we are truly happy?” How is happiness measured??? Do we weigh our level of happiness based on what stuff we have accumulated, how well our relationships are progressing, how much we like our job???
This notion has led me to the idea that true inner happiness is really just a choice. We can choose to respond to our outer world and our ego-self and equate that response to our level of happiness or we can choose that each and every day we will live in joy and bliss and magnetize those joyful, blissful experiences our way.
So how do we do this???? I believe that one way that we can begin to facilitate this process is to be our own #1 fan. Think about yourself for a moment, what is it that makes you totally unique? What things do you do or say to yourself when you are alone that make you laugh out loud at how funny you are or how good your life really is right in the moment. What do you like about yourself???
We live in a day and age where it seems that the harder you are on yourself, the more “results” you can achieve in a shorter period of time. We want it all and we want it yesterday. Many times we are vehemently pursuing a course of action to fill a void while simultaneously living in a state of scarcity. If we are truly attracting what we think about than it make sense why so many individuals feel like they are coming up short in life.
Take the Coach Cory Challenge: Give yourself a really hard look today and instead of finding flaws or faults, recognize the beautiful, loving points about who you are today. Laugh at yourself and notice how good it feels. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Be your own #1 fan. Observe what new things, people and experiences you begin to attract as a result of this new way of thinking. Have Fun!!!!
This notion has led me to the idea that true inner happiness is really just a choice. We can choose to respond to our outer world and our ego-self and equate that response to our level of happiness or we can choose that each and every day we will live in joy and bliss and magnetize those joyful, blissful experiences our way.
So how do we do this???? I believe that one way that we can begin to facilitate this process is to be our own #1 fan. Think about yourself for a moment, what is it that makes you totally unique? What things do you do or say to yourself when you are alone that make you laugh out loud at how funny you are or how good your life really is right in the moment. What do you like about yourself???
We live in a day and age where it seems that the harder you are on yourself, the more “results” you can achieve in a shorter period of time. We want it all and we want it yesterday. Many times we are vehemently pursuing a course of action to fill a void while simultaneously living in a state of scarcity. If we are truly attracting what we think about than it make sense why so many individuals feel like they are coming up short in life.
Take the Coach Cory Challenge: Give yourself a really hard look today and instead of finding flaws or faults, recognize the beautiful, loving points about who you are today. Laugh at yourself and notice how good it feels. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Be your own #1 fan. Observe what new things, people and experiences you begin to attract as a result of this new way of thinking. Have Fun!!!!